February 16, 2024

Andrea Piskula


February 16, 2024

On Friday, February 16 our pet community ~ and more importantly, her beloved husband Greg and her own kitties Cashmere, Leo and Glitter said farewell to Andrea.  Andrea had been devoted for many years to the betterment of kitties in her community, especially through her ongoing fundraising efforts on behalf of Winnie's Wish.  Please take a moment to visit and share words of comfort with her family.  If you wish to remember Andrea, a contribution on her behalf to Winnie's Wish will be greatly appreciated.


My Mind's Eye said...

The of loss Mom Andrea to the Pet Community was felt over the entire Blogsphere...she made a difference.
Hugs Cecilia

Duke said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. Your family and friends are in our thoughts and prayers♥

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so sorry Andrea had to leave. We're sending purrs and prayers to Greg and the kitties.

meowmeowmans said...

Andrea was such a blessing in this world. We are grateful for all she did for so many, and thankful that she was our friend through blogging. Sending purrs and prayers of comfort and condolence to Greg, Cashmere, Leo and Glitter. XO

M Dawson said...

She was an amazing lady. I am so sorry she has lef us.