August 01, 2023

Rainbow Remembrance Day


Deborah Barnes had to say goodbye to her cat, Mr. Jazz, on August 28, 2013. Deborah published an emotional book that detailed her journey of letting Mr. Jazz go, it was called “Purr Prints of the Heart – A Cat’s Tale Of Life, Death and Beyond.” 

After the book was released Deborah received an overwhelming reaction from those who had read it. People reached out to Deborah to share their own stories of a pet passing, and Deborah realized that her journey was being mirrored by others and that a pet dying was a deeply emotional time for many. 

 So, in honor of Mr. Jazz, and for all the readers who were touched by her book, Deborah decided to create Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day as a chance for people across the world to share their stories and memories of pets that they have loved and lost. It was in 2015 that the holiday was first observed, and now each year on August 28 people are taking time out to remember their pets.


Kea said...

What a lovely thing to do. The loss of our fur babies is gutting, not something any of us "gets over". Hugs and purrayers to all who are grieving.

Darla M Sands said...

How lovely. Shared experiences bring us together, for sure.

BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

BellaSita Mum here aka LadyMum....I had to put Purrince Siddhartha Henry to sleep August 28th, 2018. I did not even realize what day it was....
It is so poignant for me now.....I miss P SH more than words can say. However, his Niece BellaDharma has filled my heart with Love again!
BellaSita Mum & ***purrss*** BellaDharma

meowmeowmans said...

Although we wee not able to participate this year on our blog, this is a special day that we celebrate in our hearts. Thank you, Deb, for remembering your beloved Mr. Jazz in this way, and for sharing with all of us. XO